Bereaved by Suicide Service
We are a free service that provides support and manaaki to individuals and whānau who have lost someone to suicide.
Through a brief therapeutic response our network of Providers will support our hāpori (community) in honouring their grief and letting it find a place in their adjusted future.
Aoake te Rā means ‘a new sun rises' - the emerging light being a symbol of hope as whānau adapt to their loss. Our name was gifted by Hon. Peeni Henare, Minister for Whānau Ora, Associate for Māori Health and reflects the many voices of individuals, whānau and communities who have shared their knowledge and experience in creating a service that helps people navigate life after suicide loss.
Visit our Service page for more information about the service.

Who is the service for?
Individuals and whānau bereaved by suicide at any stage in their life who would benefit from a brief therapeutic response focused on bereavement by suicide. See Service page

Interested in being a service Provider?

Refer now
Click here to refer via our online referral form, via email or leave a message on 0800 000 053

Need assistance immediately?
Aoake Te Rā does not provide a crisis service.
For immediate support - text/phone 1737
For an emergency - please phone 111
For online information visit the website After a Suicide
Looking for a Provider?
Use the link below to locate a Provider near you or a Provider you might like to connect with.
This is a new service and it will expand to be nationwide over the coming year. If there is not a Provider available yet in your region, you are welcome to connect with an online Provider anywhere in New Zealand, or wait until providers have been trained in your area.
Our intake team can assist with selecting a Provider if preferred.
Already a Provider?
Providers log in here to access the Provider Portal